This page provides information and guidance on importing and exporting live honey and bumble bees.
The Guidance Notes for Importers provides details to English beekeepers on what you need to do to comply with the legislation and health certification requirements if you wish to import live bees after 31 December 2020.
The Welsh Government has produced guidance for imports of honey bees for Welsh beekeepers.
The Scottish Bee Health Inspectorate has produced guidance for imports of honey bees for Scottish beekeepers.
You may also find it useful to refer to guidance on and the Border Operating Model, which provides information on the new processes.
For movements both ways between Northern Ireland and GB, guidance may be found in the Northern Ireland Protocol.
If you are planning to import or export bees it is your responsibility to follow these new rules and protect GB biosecurity. General Guidance on changes for businesses and citizens may be found at
These questions only deal with Honey bees (Apis mellifera) and Bumble Bees.
What can I import from the EU?
What can’t I import from the EU?
Who must I notify if I want to import queens?
Which Commodity Code should I use?
What information do I need to provide to the exporter?
What Certification is required?
Do my Queens have to come into the country through a specific port of entry?
What happens if my documentation / certificate is missing or incorrect?
My imports were previously occasionally checked by a Bee Inspector so will this continue?
Can I use the queen cage provided by the exporter to introduce my Queens?
Do the attendant bees need to be dead before I send them to be checked?
Is there a charge for this service?
If you intend to export bees from GB, you must ensure that the destination country permits imports from GB and that you can comply with their import conditions. It is the exporter’s responsibility to do this.
For exports to any country, if you export your bees without the correct certification, the consignment may be rejected/destroyed by the destination country. If the consignment required an inspection prior to export, we would not be able to issue a certificate retrospectively.
From January 2022, Export Health Certificates for exports to EU countries must be signed by an Official Veterinarian (OV). For countries outside the EU, whether an OV is required to sign the EHC is determined by the authorities in the country of destination, so it is important for the exporter to check the requirements with them.
Exporting to EU countries
Only queen bees can be exported to EU countries. To export queen bees, you must obtain an Export Health Certificate and arrange for it to be signed by an OV. The OV must carry out a health inspection at the apiary before the certificate can be signed, and exporters should expect that there will be a charge for the services of an OV. The health certificate template can be found on, along with Notes for Guidance and information on how to contact an OV.
The OV will also confirm whether a National Bee Unit inspector (England & Wales) or a Scottish Government Bee Inspector also need to be present to support the OV at the health inspection. The OV can find information about how to contact a Bee Inspector in the Notes for Guidance. The contacts are:
The OV will arrange for a bee inspector to be present at the inspection. There is no separate charge for a bee inspector to be present.
For exports to EU countries, a signed health certificate is valid for 10 days.
Sending bees to Northern Ireland
Only queen bees can be moved to Northern Ireland (NI) from GB. Sending queens to Northern Ireland is treated as an export and requires an inspection at the apiary by an Official Veterinarian before the Export Health Certificate can be signed. Please visit to obtain an Export Health Certificate as described above.
We recommend that you also contact the NBU (England & Wales) or Scottish Government to confirm that the export is proceeding, once you have notified NI using TRACES NT.
Exporting to non-EU countries
To export bees to a non-EU country, please complete the application to export form and return it to the NBU office. The application form should be accompanied by the import conditions for the destination country. Depending on the country’s requirements, you may also need to contact an Official Veterinarian (OV) who will determine whether the export health certificate can be signed. Exporters should expect that there will be a charge for the services of an OV. Please confirm to the NBU or Scottish Government when submitting the application form whether you have contacted an OV.
An NBU inspector (England & Wales) or Scottish Government Bee Inspector will also need to be present at the inspection, unless the OV confirms in advance that this is not required. There is no separate charge for an inspector to be present.
If the country you are exporting to does not require an OV signature, an NBU or Scottish Government Bee Inspector will carry out the health assessment. If clear of the specified pests and diseases, and if the apiary meets the health certification requirements, the health certificate can be signed. The certificate must travel with the bees to the destination country.
It is important that you check whether the destination country considers a certificate valid only for a limited time, so that it does not expire before the export arrives.
Fireblight Disease – Movement Restrictions
If you are intending to move bees to an EU Member State, you should familiarise yourself with the restrictions that apply between 15 March and 30 June related to Fireblight disease (Erwinia amylovora), a serious notifiable disease of apples, pears and other related trees and shrubs in the Rosaceae family.
For more information see Regulation (EU) 2016/2031. A list of the protected zones, as well as links to further guidance, can be found on the Plant Health Portal.