Imports & exports

This page provides information and guidance on importing and exporting live honey and bumble bees.

The UK has left the EU, there are new rules from January 2021

The Guidance Notes for Importers provides details to English beekeepers on what you need to do to comply with the legislation and health certification requirements if you wish to import live bees after 31 December 2020.

The Welsh Government has produced guidance for imports of honey bees for Welsh beekeepers.

The Scottish Bee Health Inspectorate has produced guidance for imports of honey bees for Scottish beekeepers.

You may also find it useful to refer to guidance on and the Border Operating Model, which provides information on the new processes.

For movements both ways between Northern Ireland and GB, guidance may be found in the Northern Ireland Protocol.

If you are planning to import or export bees it is your responsibility to follow these new rules and protect GB biosecurity. General Guidance on changes for businesses and citizens may be found at

FAQ - Imports

These questions only deal with Honey bees (Apis mellifera) and Bumble Bees.

What can I import from the EU?

What can’t I import from the EU?

Who must I notify if I want to import queens?

Which Commodity Code should I use?

What information do I need to provide to the exporter?

What Certification is required?

Do my Queens have to come into the country through a specific port of entry?

What happens if my documentation / certificate is missing or incorrect?

My imports were previously occasionally checked by a Bee Inspector so will this continue?

Can I use the queen cage provided by the exporter to introduce my Queens?