Industrial Relations & Human Resources Library


Legal sources are cited according to the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (also called the McGill Guide).

From Bora Laskin Law Library's Legal Research for the Public Researcher

Parts of a Legal Citation

The following describes the parts of an example arbitration case citation:

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What the parts mean in the example citation:

Prestressed Systems Inc. and L.I.U.N.A., Local 625, (2005), 137 L.A.C. (4 th ) 193 (Lynk)

Prestressed Systems Inc. and L.I.U.N.A., Local 625 is the case name

(2005) is the year of the decision

137 L.A.C. (4 th ) is the title and volume number of the report Labour Arbitration Cases and (4th) is the fourth series of the L.A.C.

193 is the page number

(Lynk) is the last name of the arbitrator

Examples of Labour Arbitration Case Citations

Navistar Canada Inc. and C.A.W., Local 504, (2010) O.L.A.A. No. 227 (QL) (Newman)

Prestressed Systems Inc. and L.I.U.N.A., Local 625, (2005), 137 L.A.C. (4 th ) 193 (Lynk)

Shoppers Drug Mart Inc. No. 297 and U.F.C.W., Local 1815, (2004), B.C.C.A.A.A. No 242 (QL) (Steeves)

Wasaya Airways LP and A.L.P.A. (Wyndels) (2010), 195 L.A.C. (4 th ) 1 (Marcotte)

Citing Collective Agreements

To cite collective agreements, following this format:

Parties to the collective agreement (Year). Title of collective agreement in sentence case including term of agreement. URL.